14 dpo, BFN - should i give up this month? - bbs 14
OK - for me, and BF were TTC for about 5 months. I just followed (not temporary) and tend to zero from the start - this month we have the Softcups said after BDing at the time of ovulation pee stick test (lol) - and my symptoms are:
3 to 8 DPO - irritable, exhausted, hungry, waking up in the middle of the night
8 DPO - my nose started (fill yuk)
9 DPO - still tired, irritable, runny nose - today the introduction of BBS pain is not puffed up
DPD 10 - began to urinate all day (at least 10 times I've tried to keep!), Mild constipation, vivid dreams, slight cramping sporadically low
I DSB 11 - BBS pain, feeling older skin, but not swollen and discolored brown areolas (very fair, and are sometimes invisible to swear lol) and PIN again dark and sensitive, yet strange dreams alive, piss all the day, tired, irritable , cramps, constipation
11 a.m. to 12 p.m. DPO - as above.
DPD 13 - the same as above, but not so delicate, but began with pain in the ***, literally. my rightSide of the cheek with the back knee
14 DPO - as usual up there, but not annoyed, yes, I'm in a good mood, no pain in the ass .... on the back of his right hip today! lol
DPR also has 10 - Waves of nausea and a couple of times to be sick ....
but it must af - I have no desire to eat as usual (usually nothing that moves just b4 water retention and no monthly ....) No big ugly zit! lol
Sorry if this is TMI - but I'm desperate - BF says I'll try one more month, that's it - I can not do with the tricks of the mind and fear.
Thank you all!
Bbs 14 14 Dpo, BFN - Should I Give Up This Month?
4:08 AM
I know this is not the answer we really want to hear, but say that if they tried at least one year, then you should consider help for infertility. You can take a couple with no problems so long, and sometimes unintentionally pregnant. Do not give up. If you really want a baby try again, and if after a year looking for more problems to the fertility of a professional. Good luck!
do not give up, sometimes it takes time, I suggest you go, whether to ask your fertility specialist to examine and refereed, U ur BF and Amy as simple as fertility drugs good luck to you, the Mabey Tonigh night;)
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