What should be done about noisy children in church? - church visitor letter
This morning I went to a church that is different from the norm. Because they are the visitors, we have seats at the rear. But the bank directly behind us soon met a family with three children under eight years.
Children joined the bank in front of them (by me), running back and forth from one end of the bank to another, and speak in a normal voice, not - in a whisper. Shh parents have made some attempts to correct a child outside of the occasional. "
I was very disturbed by this. We attended a traditional liturgy of the Church, which reflect the strong emphasis on listening and quiet, and I had no idea about these things because of the many voices of these children. There were other children in the church that behaves very similar, with no control.
Would I talk with the parents and asked them to take better account of their children? Or should I to another bank to avoid the open display my inability to deal with children? Or should I say in a letter to the president at hOW child abandonment, ruining any profit that the service could leave, and why they will not be returned to the community?
What should I do?
Church Visitor Letter What Should Be Done About Noisy Children In Church?
2:53 AM
Is your company ........ not
Sitting in the first
Is your company ........ not
Sitting in the first
If you are just with him and ...? This is likely. And it would have been difficult to keep quiet too. I think he "would call the principal and explain your thoughts and feelings. May I also think that the whole assembly was informed of his appeal. And I am me, I would say that a pat on the back exactly which is required for some. Maybe for some parents. There's too much lack of respect in the world today. Good luck to you.
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