Vigina Wax Pics GIRLS ONLY! Down STAIRS ?

GIRLS ONLY! Down STAIRS ? - vigina wax pics

lol hey girl and wondered, why are some of the procedures used to clean your Venn?
I know Kills wax! Shaving regrowth sooo fast. do not use it for the hair to grow fast.
tryed everything! But now I think of it with the laser


BOB N said...

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Sara said...

Nair is a cream for the bikini area, which can be used anywhere, but make sure you do not go near her vaginal opening!
I use cream and it works pretty well. That's what I do:
I sit on the toilet with legs apart and the cream as I want. So I sit there for a few minutes to work, then leave hop in the shower. The hair will not come from my own water, you need a bit of a cloth and rub vigorously for all hair types. Then you can rinse with water and should be good to go!
Be sure to a small area before doing a test area so if it burns or if you have a reaction to Nair.
Hope this helps and good luck!

laughing... said...

Try an electric razor, it does not hurt or cause Razor Burn. If you must use it like all day, but it's quick, not much. FYI do not submit such a good idea to look at chemicals like Nair or around this area.

JackieF said...

You mean vagina?

I shave ..

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