Lack Of Iron Symptoms How Do They Test You To See If Your Iron Is Low?

How do they test you to see if your iron is low? - lack of iron symptoms

I wonder how they test whether the iron is? I do not know if my iron is low or if I'm pregnant. I took a pregnancy test was negative, but, as he was the last time that I was pregnant. I have all the symptoms of pregnancy, but many of them are the same people that are low in iron, and spoke with my mother and told me that if I was a baby, which had no iron, which they thought was an interesting alternative . Thank you for your help in advance!


Patti said...

If you are at your local health department (SHD) You can bite your finger to remove a little blood, and it would test up to 5 minutes and be able to tell if you have anemia. Good luck, and if you see what you are taking iron tablets because some make it difficult for some shit and have a laxative in them that makes you shit all the time.

Patti said...

If you are at your local health department (SHD) You can bite your finger to remove a little blood, and it would test up to 5 minutes and be able to tell if you have anemia. Good luck, and if you see what you are taking iron tablets because some make it difficult for some shit and have a laxative in them that makes you shit all the time.

Maggie said...

It is a simple blood sample. Free blood tests for iron.

Marinesw... said...

often the finger prick and blood test

kondache... said...

The measurement of ferritin in the blood

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